Funda Nenja is a unique One Welfare NPO (NPO 085-038, PBO 930-045-482) that uses dog training classes to teach animal welfare and to provide psycho-social therapy for children living in Mpophomeni, KZN, SA
Funda Nenja roughly translates from isiZulu as ‘learning with a dog’. The aim is to develop respect and compassion for all living beings by using dog training as a vehicle.
The project runs in the township of Mpophomeni, near Howick, in the KZN Midlands of South Africa. An average of 100 children and their dogs attend the weekly dog training sessions which happen on Friday afternoons at Sifisesihle Primary School in the township.
“We believe that the values of kindness, respect and compassion are nurtured through practical dog training classes where children can develop an affectionate bond with their dog. By changing children’s attitudes and emotional response towards the dogs, we are investing in the future and not just applying a “band-aid” approach to animal welfare. These children will become agents of change and role models of responsible, caring dog owners in their communities, in addition to their benefitting in a number of psycho-social ways through the various programs we offer.”
All dogs that join the dog school program are offered free veterinary care at our weekly primary veterinary care clinic which provides de-worming, tick & flea control, rabies vaccinations and treatment for skin conditions, ear/eye infections etc. More serious conditions are referred to a local veterinarian for professional attention. We insist that all dogs joining the dog school are sterilised which is done through our sterilisation program at no cost to the owners.
Funda Nenja also provides the services of a qualified Social Worker who works with the psycho-social needs of the children and their families. Together with their Education Officer, their Social Worker visits each of the Funda Nenja families to assess the welfare needs of both the people and their animals. When necessary the Social Worker offers counselling to the community and assists in applying for various social grants, together with cognitive and medical referrals. Life-skill workshops are regularly given throughout the year to children, both those in the dog school program and some who are not.
Funda Nenja is unique in its approach to highlight the theme of animal welfare and the bond between the dog and the child; the value that a dog has to a child and family using these principles to encourage children to think and act differently and more responsibly.
General Manager
Adrienne Olivier
Telephone: (+27) 033 347 2915
Cell: 083 636 0891
Email: adrienne@fundanenja.co.za